Iron furniture maintenance tips


Iron furniture maintenance tips


1. Avoid bumps

Iron furniture should be placed carefully and gently, landing smoothly, avoiding shaking, making the furniture deformed over time, leaving gaps between the furniture placement, avoiding friction and bumping, damaging the surface of the furniture.

2. Stay out of the sun.

The position of the furniture should avoid the direct sunlight outside the window. Iron furniture is exposed to the sun for a long time, which will make the paint color change; The colored paint layer cracks and spalling, and the metal deteriorates and oxidizes, affecting the appearance.

3. If the furniture is rusty, remember not to sand it. If the rust is small and shallow, cotton yarn can be dipped in oil to coat the rust

After a while, wipe with a cloth to remove the rust. If the rust has expanded and become heavier, the technology is returned to the factory for professional treatment.

4. The acid and base that corrodes iron are chemical supplies that any iron product should be kept away from. Iron furniture if not accidentally heart

Acid (such as sulfuric acid, vinegar), alkali (such as methamphetamine, soapy water, soda water), should be immediately washed with water, and then dry with a dry rag.
