Processing network is different from traditional e-commerce in the past


Processing network is different from traditional e-commerce in the past


Changed the way people shop, online sales of goods, offline sent to the user's hands, the formal purchase revolution, not only to promote social and economic development, but also in people's thinking is a qualitative leap, "the original can also shop like this" and processing network is "looking for processing services, shopping as a supplement" one-stop processing service platform.

Difference one: strong professionalism

Processing network is for the metal processing industry, metal products industry field, processing network whether employers (buyers) or merchants, all sales of goods and services are metal processing, metal products in this field, so the whole operation process is simple and conducive to management.

Difference two: the same city service, no difference, no logistics trouble

Processing network all processing information, demand orders are from all over the country, processing network automatically identifies the region, divided resources to the region, so that users the first time to obtain resources, enjoy the service.

All logistics of the processing network are delivered by merchants, and all the whole process is convenient and fast.

Processing circle as a professional one-stop processing service platform, to "service" continuous learning, continuous improvement, is committed to creating the country's largest professional processing service platform.
