City guardrail cleaning and maintenance


City guardrail cleaning and maintenance


Urban guardrail maintenance should actively apply new technologies, new materials, new processes, reduce maintenance costs, timely treatment of highway guardrail network disease, improve maintenance quality. Road, urban guardrail maintenance department should be added to the guardrail strong highway guardrail network patrol and highway guardrail network technical status detection and evaluation. When the fence is found to be diseased and endangering the normal operation of the fence, it should be repaired in time to eliminate dangerous situations.

We know that municipal guardrail is extremely difficult to clean, but everyone like to live in a comfortable and clean environment, but the current rapid development of traffic, there are vehicles everywhere, highway guardrail due to vehicle exhaust, dust adhesion and other factors, the surface appeared different degrees of pollution, these pollution is more difficult to clean than the oil in the kitchen, so there is a cleaning machine, Simple structure, convenient operation, and high degree of automation.

When urban guardrail management and maintenance personnel carry out inspection and maintenance operations, unified community guardrail safety logo clothing should be used. When road management and maintenance vehicles and machinery carry out field operations, clear and unified signs must be set up and illuminated alarm lights must be turned on; Under the premise of ensuring the passing of vehicles, its driving route, direction, speed and stopping can not be restricted by high-speed guardrail signs and marking, and passing vehicles should pay attention to avoiding. When highway guardrail maintenance and maintenance construction, the traffic volume should be selected to avoid affecting vehicle traffic.
